International Club

International Club


Field of Interest (FOI) - Culture and Society

Welcome! Willkomen. स्वागत हे. 欢迎. ようこそ. chào mừng. Bienvenido. أهلا بك. 歡迎. 환영. Bienvenue. Добро пожаловать

Make new friends from around the world... Join a variety of activities... Experience something new...

Glendale Community College International Club. Its mission is to provide students with opportunities to learn about different cultures, meet new people and have lots of fun. All of its members are GCC Students.

Our Mission

  • Promote the sharing of cultures among GCC Students.
  • Sponsor events and activities that are fun, educational, and memorable.
  • Bring an international atmosphere to the campus community and foster learning and world peace.
  • Advocate for and support international education at GCC.
  • Foster student success through networking, bonding, and creating a sense of community.
  • Educate state, civic, and educational leaders about the importance of international education.

Our Name Change

Glendale Community College International Club (GCCIC) is an organization that has existed as a student club at GCC since about 1985. The previous name of the club was "International Student Association." It was decided to change the name to make it clear that the club is to all GCC students, not just international students. The new name for the club is GCC International Club or GCCIC.


Thursdays at 3 p.m.

  • March 9
  • March 23
  • April 6
  • April 20

Join us virtually on Google Meet

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 402-627-0208‬ PIN: ‪213 612 821‬#

Leonor Carrasco
Felicia Petrenco
Kuljit Singh