Health & Wellness Coaching


A man and a woman in a discussion in an office

Health & Wellness Coaches use evidence-based strategies and skills to empower clients to achieve their goals. They are experts in behavior change, help clients work through their barriers, find their motivations and provide accountability. Demand for these skills is higher than ever as more people are looking to make changes in their lives and their health. And an extra bonus, adding board-certified Health and Wellness coaching to your credentials gives you a competitive edge to your career.

NBHWC LogoGlendale Community College - Health & Wellness Coaching Certificate of Completion (CCL) is an approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for the HWC Certifying Examination to become a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach.

Why does NBHWC certification matter?

It’s the gold standard for the future of Health & Wellness Coaching. The National Board of Health and Wellness coaching is a governing body setting an international standard of quality and curriculum for the health coaching field. NBHWC has collaborated with the National Board of Medical Examiners since 2016 to provide a robust certification examination. The NBC-HWC credential represents training, education and assessment standards, allowing for the profession to advance in all aspects of healthcare and wellness.

Health coaching changed my life. The Health & Wellness Coaching program allowed me to learn how I can encourage, inspire and motivate others to change their lives.

—Former GCC Student

View the details on the Health & Wellness Coaching Certificate of Completion (CCL) curriculum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Two semesters.

Seven credits.

$97 per credit hour.

$97 x 7 = $679 plus course fees ($30 total) and textbooks (approximately $200)

  • HES100 (available online and hybrid)
  • HWC101 (live-online evenings)
  • HWC290 (online + internship)

Following successful completion of this NBHWC approved program, students who have completed their 50 coaching sessions following their practical skills assessment (PSA) and with a minimum of an associate degree will be eligible to apply for the NBHWC exam. Exam fees are additional and paid to NBHWC.