Karina R. Sokol, Ph.D.

Karina R. Sokol, PhD


Residential Faculty

Department: Psychology

Contact Information

Campus: Main
Office Number: LS-257
Email: karina.sokol@gccaz.edu
Phone number: 623-845-4774



Karina Sokol is a professor in the Psychology Department where she teaches introductory psychology (PSY 101), developmental psychology (PSY 240), statistics (PSY 230/231), and biopsychology (PSY 275). She grew up in the Phoenix area and did her undergraduate studies at Oregon State University earning a B.S. in Psychology. Her graduate work was completed at Northern Arizona University (M.A. in Psychology) and Arizona State University (Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology). Her area of study involves children's experiences of parental divorce, stress and cortisol, and twin studies.