Whether you need academic advisement, financial aid assistance or any assistance provided by GCC Enrollment Services, avoid the lines by placing yourself in a virtual line. Keep track of where you are in line through the many QLess displays around campus or through SMS texting.
To "Get in Line" remotely
At GCC Main, text GCC to 1-480-405-1651 or use our online kiosk.
At GCC North, text GCC NORTH to 1-480-405-1651.
Check your wireless plan with your service provider as standard text and data rates may apply.
When you arrive on campus, you must check in at the Welcome Desk in the Enrollment Center or Chinle Student Services Building. If you don't check in you will not be called to a window to be helped.
Regardless of your estimated wait time, you should be at Enrollment Services no later than 30 minutes before closing time.
Text Commands to use when in QLess
L - Leave the queue, use this command when you need to exit a particular queue.
S - Status update, use this command when you want an update on your wait time and place in line.
M - More time, use this command to request additional time if you can't be in the area.
H - Help, use this command to get additional assistance with QLess.
N# - Notify me in XX minutes, use this command to let QLess know when to send an alert.
You can also visit our QLess web page for queue status updates and instructions