Recruiting On Campus

Recruiting On Campus

On-Campus Recruitment

On-campus recruitment is a great way to connect employers with our students, and there is currently no cost to recruit at GCC for employment opportunities. Employers are permitted to recruit only with the approval from the Career Services Office, and requests are accepted at a minimum seven (7) days prior to your requested visit since all requests are coordinated through other campus department services. 

Don't have immediate employment opportunities but would like to share products or services with our campus community? Contact GCC's Facilities Services to inquire about Vendor Week, which happens at the beginning of each month during the Fall and Spring semesters.  

The following information will help to identify if your employment opportunity meets Maricopa's guidelines, the type of activities available, and how to schedule your request. 


Requirements for On-campus Recruitment

  • Employers who can guarantee at least an hourly wage that complies with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and State of Arizona minimum wage laws.
  • Recruiting for business opportunities, multi-level marketing businesses or other ventures that require an initial investment are prohibited.
  • All requests for space shall be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • All solicitation must take place at tables in designated areas. Standard space will be one or two tables and chairs.

View the complete set of Maricopa College's Employer Recruitment Guidelines before you request your campus activity. 


Available On-campus Recruitment Activities

Services for our employer partners have expanded from in-person to virtual student connections. Career Service is open to hearing other ideas that employers are doing at other campuses. Let us know! We'd love to hear what your organization has done to successfully recruit students.


Schedule Your Recruitment Request

  • Career Services only approves requests from organizations that have immediate job/internship opportunities and intend to recruit students that meet recruitment guidelines.  
  • All recruiting events take place at GCC's Main Campus, located on 59th and Olive Avenue.
  • Recruitment activities occur during these business hours: Tuesday - Thursday (Fall/Spring semesters), anytime between 9am to 1pm.
  • Please call us if you would like to request a recruitment activity outside of normal business hours to ensure our campus can meet your request. 

Complete your Employer Recruitment Request Form to schedule your activity, which will be advertised to our students through campus announcements and social media.