GCC Achieve Events


GCC Achieve image.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on exciting happenings and experiences that bring people together at GCC, in the community and across all MCCCD campuses. Whether you are looking for workshops, competitions, career fairs, or transfer information, you will find a diverse range of events to meet your needs. Be sure to check back regularly for updates and opportunities.

For more information on GCC Achieve, please contact:

Rachelle Hall
GCC Achieve Chair
Brent Kleinman
GCC Achieve Co-Chair

Spring 2025 Events and Activities

GCC Achieve Innovation Challenge 2025

Attention all GCC student entrepreneurs! Don't miss your chance to win your portion of $5,000 in the 2025 GCC Achieve Innovation Challenge sponsored by Credit Union West. The final competition will take place in person where you can pitch your business or product idea to a panel of "Shark Tank" judges. The top three finalists will be awarded $2,500 for 1st place, $1,500 or 2nd place, and $1,000 for 3rd.

To prepare for the challenge, there will be three Pitch-Prep Workshops to take you through the process of refining your idea, creating a business plan, and developing your pitch in preparation for the challenge. Join the Challenge Canvas Course for more detailed information.

Important Dates:

January 29th - Pitch Prep Workshop
February 12th - Credit Union West Financial Workshop
February 26th - Pitch Prep Workshop
March 3rd - Submissions Due
March 7th - Finalists Announced
March 19th - Pitch Presentation Challenge

Register for the GCC Achieve Innovation Workshops

GCC Achieve Topgolf Scholarship Fundraiser

Don't miss the 3rd annual GCC Achieve Topgolf Scholarship Fundraiser taking place at Topgolf Glendale, April 10th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. You don't want to miss this opportunity to have a great evening with family and friends and help raise money to assist GCC Business, IT and Cyber students with their educational costs.

For more details, use the link above to visit our website and enjoy the highlights from our previous two Topgolf Events.

VITA Free Tax Preparation

The GCC Accounting Program has teamed up with A New Leaf to offer income tax assistance. The service is free to the community at large. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is available starting January 28th through April 8th on Tuesdays from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm in B-106.