Louise So

Residential Faculty
Department: Fitness & Wellness
Contact Information
Campus: Main
Office Number: FW-10
Email: louise.so@gccaz.edu
Phone number: 623-845-3883
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday, 12 - 2 p.m.
I have been teaching for 30 years and am passionate about helping students reach their educational goals. My passion is in health, fitness and nutrition.
I serve on the GCC Wellness Committee and I am the campus representative for Exercise is Medicine on Campus. In my role as Occupational Program Director for Exercise Science and Personal Training, I help students with their education and career goals, while connecting with our industry partners to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students in the constantly evolving fitness world.
I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland and swam competitively in college and as a masters swimmer with the Kansas City Blazers and Phoenix Swim Club. I earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Iowa.
I teach Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Behavior Change, Weight Management & Nutrition and Swimming and I am focused on growing our aquatics programming with swimming and aqua fitness for employees, students and the community. I am also excited to bring Health & Wellness Coaching to GCC as an NBHWC approved training program.