Gary Calderone (Retired)

Residential Faculty
Department: Geology
Contact Information
Campus: Main
Office Number: PS-105
Phone number: 623-845-3654
Prior to joining the faculty of GCC, I was employed as a research geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey, a federal agency whose formal mission is to provide Earth Science in the public service. My research focus was the application of paleomagnetism to problems in structural geology & regional tectonics; magnetic fabric studies applied to volcanology, structural geology and the acquisition of magnetic remanence; paleomagnetic analytical methods; and archaeomagnetism. My work required a familiarity with Arizona and North American geology that I draw upon quite frequently in my teaching at GCC. In the course of my research career, I have established numerous contacts and collaborate with colleagues at the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, the Arizona Geological Survey, the U. S. Geological Survey, and the Museum of Northern Arizona.
Since joining the faculty at GCC, I have been actively engaged in activities relating to undergraduate geology education.