Gaucho Fan

Game On, Gauchos!

Get your game on and earn Gaucho Merch!


Gaucho Fan bingo game

How to Play

Download your Gaucho Game On Fan or visit the Marketing Department in the Administration Building to get your Fan.

Get your Gaucho Fan stamped at all nine locations.

Take your Gaucho Fan to the Marketing Department in the Administration building, room A-134, to receive your Gaucho Merch.

Get the Gaucho Fan
Gaucho Fan locations

Get your Gaucho Fan stamped at these locations

  1. Visit the Library (LMC) to learn about all of the amazing resources available.
  2. Grab a Performing Arts Schedule at the Library Media Center (LMC) for a listing of all our upcoming performances.
  3. Visit the Enrollment Center (EC) and speak with the Welcome Desk.
  4. Visit the Bookstore In the O5 building for everything needed for all your classes.
  5. Check out the Center for Learning (CL) for all the tutoring options available.
  6. Attend a Gaucho Athletics sporting event. Visit the GCC Calendar of Events to find scheduled events.
  7. Visit the Dr. Joe Griego Counseling & Career Services Center (CCS) for tools to help you get ready for a new job.
  8. Visit the Fitness Center (FC) to learn about our student discount! Get access to state-of-the-art equipment, group fitness classes, lap swim and more!
  9. Visit the Sports Performance lab in Exercise Science & Nutrition (ESN) and learn about our customized tests to help you improve your athletic performance or personal fitness.
Gaucho Gear

Get Your Gaucho Merch

Take your stamped Gaucho Game On Fan to the Marketing Department in the Administration building, room A-134.

You must be a current GCC student.

Only one Gaucho Fan can be submitted per student.