VITA FREE Tax Preparation
The GCC Accounting Program has teamed up with A New Leaf to offer income tax assistance. The service is free to the community at large. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is available…
March 11, 10AM - 1PM
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
Watch This Rare Event at the GCC North Observatory
Witness the Magic of the ‘Blood Moon’ and the total Lunar Eclipse at GCC’s A.S.T.R.O.Club’s Evening Skies - Lunar event. The event is open to all…
March 13, 8PM - 11:59PM
VITA FREE Tax Preparation
The GCC Accounting Program has teamed up with A New Leaf to offer income tax assistance. The service is free to the community at large. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is available…
March 18, 10AM - 1PM
FAFSA & Scholarship Workshops
Get the Financial Aid you need!
Our Financial Aid experts are here to answer your questions. Attend one of our workshops to get assistance with the 2025-2026 FAFSA and Fall Scholarships!
March 18, 3PM - 5PM
Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Glendale Community College has partnered with St. Mary's Food Bank to bring you a Drive-thru Food Pantry.
Join us on the following Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
February 20
March 20
April 17…
March 20, 11:30AM - 1PM
VITA FREE Tax Preparation
The GCC Accounting Program has teamed up with A New Leaf to offer income tax assistance. The service is free to the community at large. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is available…
March 25, 10AM - 1PM
FAFSA & Scholarship Workshops
Get the Financial Aid you need!
Our Financial Aid experts are here to answer your questions. Attend one of our workshops to get assistance with the 2025-2026 FAFSA and Fall Scholarships!
March 25, 3PM - 5PM
Community Drum Circle
Create music and connect with the community
Drum circles create an exhilarating energy vibration and frequency. The benefits of a drum circle: reduces stress, elevates mood, provides a platform for…
March 25, 5PM - 6PM
GCC Auto Tech Info Sessions
GCC Auto Tech Info Sessions
Every other Thursday | 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Info sessions begin promptly at 4 p.m.
In the Auto Tech Center (ATC) Conference Room (ATC-121) at the GCC Main Campus…
March 27, 4PM - 5PM
VITA FREE Tax Preparation
The GCC Accounting Program has teamed up with A New Leaf to offer income tax assistance. The service is free to the community at large. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is available…
April 1, 10AM - 1PM
Japanese Festival
Get To Know Japan
Attend and Explore the Japanese Festival
Immerse yourself in the beauty of Japanese culture at the Japanese Festival, sponsored by the Japanese Culture Club. You’ll see displays and…
April 1, 10AM - 1:30PM
FAFSA & Scholarship Workshops
Get the Financial Aid you need!
Our Financial Aid experts are here to answer your questions. Attend one of our workshops to get assistance with the 2025-2026 FAFSA and Fall Scholarships!
April 1, 3PM - 5PM