Law Enforcement Investigation

This award is not eligible for Financial Aid

The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Law Enforcement Investigation is designed to prepare the law enforcement officer to become a specialist in the investigation of criminal activity and to successfully assist in prosecution. Courses address case management, legal aspects of interviewing, search and seizure, and courtroom presentations. Students will demonstrate skills related to these areas in a crime scene scenario.


Field of Interest
Behavioral Science and Human Services
Degree Type
Certificate of Completion (CCL)
Academic Plan
Law Enforcement Investigation (CER)
Academic Plan Code
Total credits required
Effective Term
Spring 2022

This program is not eligible for Title IV Federal Financial Aid.
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

What You'll Learn
  • Describe the skills needed to manage investigative case assignments. (LET225, LET225AA, LET254, LET255)
  • Describe techniques for investigating specific categories of crime. (LET225, LET225AB, LET254)
  • Describe the legal requirements for conducting searches. (LET225, LET225AB, LET254)
  • Describe the legal requirements for conducting interviews, as well as the personal attributes of the officer necessary for a successful interview. (LET225, LET225AC, LET255)
  • Describe the requirements for a complete investigative report. (LET225, LET225AD, LET254)
  • Describe proper preparation for court testimony and proper behavior when testifying. (LET225, LET225AE, LET255)
  • Describe motions and legal proceedings involved in court presentations. (LET225, LET225AE, LET255)
  • Demonstrate the correct method of preserving and seizing computer evidence. (LET225, LET225AF, LET254)
  • Demonstrate skills required to investigate and report a crime scene, including proper decision making regarding legal aspects. (LET225, LET225AG, LET254, LET255)
Required courses
Course #Course TitleCredits
LET225Criminal Investigations Certification (6)
LET225AACriminal Investigations Certification I (1) AND
LET225ABCriminal Investigations Certification II (1) AND
LET225ACCriminal Investigations Certification III (1) AND
LET225ADCriminal Investigations Certification IV (1) AND
LET225AECriminal Investigations Certification V (0.5) AND
LET225AFCriminal Investigations Certification VI (0.5) AND
LET225AGCriminal Investigations Certification VII (1)
LET254Criminal Investigations Detective I (3) AND
LET255Criminal Investigations Detective II (3)6

At Maricopa, we strive to provide you with accurate and current information about our degree and certificate offerings. Due to the dynamic nature of the curriculum process, course and program information is subject to change. As a result, the course list associated with this degree or certificate on this site does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. If you are interested in pursuing this degree or certificate, we encourage you to meet with an advisor to discuss the requirements at your college for the appropriate catalog year.