
Gamers Rejoice!

As virtual universes collide, the Maricopa Community Colleges are responding to the world of gaming. GCC’s Gaucho Esports team is open to students interested in gaming – whether you’re just getting started or you’re a highly skilled gamer. Competition levels range from casual to extremely competitive.

GCC’s Esports team allows you to improve your mad gamer skills and compete for the Maricopa Cup! You get access to six main games: Valorant, Overwatch 2, Call of Duty, League of Legends and Rocket League, and there’s no fee to join the team. You must have your own gaming system (PC, Xbox, PS) and games that you prefer to play.

Connect virtually and in reality! Meet and hang out with other gamers from GCC, and compete with a wider variety of gamers who match your interests and skill set. 

Maricopa Community College Esports

How to Start

  1. Join the team at Maricopa League Discord.
  2. Once you join the discord, fill out a membership form.
  3. DM or mention @staffleaders in #waitingroom to receive full access to the rest of the server.
  4. Fill out a player form if you want to compete. Must be 18 years old or older to compete.

The season & sign-up deadline is January 25.

Join the Team

Gamers watching an Esports game

Watch us live on Twitch!

Game Schedule

  • League of Legends | Mondays @ 7 p.m.
  • Rocket League | Tuesdays @ 7 p.m.
  • Overwatch 2 | Wednesdays @ 7 p.m.
  • Valorant | Thursdays @ 7 p.m.
  • Call of Duty | TBA

Join the Stream Team

Got a computer and streaming experience? Or do you know one of the games being played? Join our Stream Team! Reach out to us for more information.

MCEL Twitch Channel

GCC Twitch Channel


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Contact Us

GCC Esports Rep: Danny Chavez |

Head of MCCCD Esports League: Mike Curtis |