

Understanding what you read, building a large vocabulary, english-readingand improving critical thinking skills are crucial to college success. We encourage any student who wants to improve their reading and critical thinking skills to enroll in reading courses. Start by taking the Accuplacer test at the Testing Services Center to find the best course for you.

In reading (RDG) courses, students will develop a college-level vocabulary, increase reading comprehension, and practice thinking critically.  Students will practice reading varied types and levels of text related to reading assigned in college courses. In addition, students will read text that promotes leisure reading and reading for personal development.

CRE101 is a university transfer-level course intended to foster college-level proficiency in reading and critical thinking.  Students will read multi-genre text as well as focus on analyzing and evaluating persuasive writing. This course meets L1 (Critical Literacy) requirements.

Why Read?

Research shows that students who read for leisure are more successful in college.  To promote leisure reading and life-long literacy we sponsor various activities in the department.  Reading groups, author visits, and other literacy-related events are available to help students make the connections between reading, college success, and life.

Students will find tutors and help in the Center for Learning, The Writing Center, the GCC Library.